Dancewear Handcrafted to Order | Manufacturing Time: 3-4 Weeks | Need a 'Rush Order'? Check out our Rush Policy for more info!
Dancewear Handcrafted to Order | Manufacturing Time: 3-4 Weeks | Need a 'Rush Order'? Check out our Rush Policy for more info!
1.Adding a Sash for a Dance Costume
The first way to add fabric is by a simple sash. Among otherthings, it is a nice way to cover your belly button when you want to still showclean lines.
Create a sash
To create a sash you need to take some fabric and simple dancepieces to create a new costume by making a sash. This perfect if you need tocover up your belly button but you still want to show all your great lineswhile you are dancing. For this example, we are going to use our dance shortsand our sports bra. Then I’ve taken a strip of our mesh which is stretchy. You don’thave to use mesh. Using lace can create the same effect. But you want to makesure there’s a little give to the lace so that when the dancer moves, it moveswith them. The thing I like about mesh is or lace is that you can cut the edge and you do not have to sew it. Thistechnique requires very little sewing skills. It is best to have the dancerwear the dance pieces so you can determine the best placement of the sash.
What we are going to do first is we are going to take the meshor lace and place the material where you want it at the shoulder. We suggestyou use safety pins rather than straight pins to secure the material at theshoulder if the dancer is wearing the costume. Then pull that material down andacross the front either covering up the belly button or just lightly coveringit up and pull it around the waist a little. Depending on the size of the dancer’sbust, you may need a little extra coverage on the top. You can place the fabrica little higher or lower on the bust depending on your preference. However, youneed to make sure the fabric doesn’t droop under the cancer’s bust or end up ontop of the bust. You want to make sure there is even coverage. Another thingthat you’re going to want to look at is if you have too much fabric at the bust,it will leave lumps. (Once you have the fabric placed at the shoulder where youwant it, fold the fabric in front back (1.45-2.13) so that you can sew it tothe bra without having stitches on top of the fabric. Stitch through the braand the material. Since the material stretches, tie a knot every few stitcheswhile attaching the fabric to the top. That way if a stitch breaks, thematerial is still strongly attached to the top.)
Once you finish sewing the fabric to the top, drape it overthe front again making sure that material covers well and is taut so that itdoes not sag and yet not too tight so the dancer can still move freely. Also,make sure the gathers are placed where you want them. Next, tuck the extramaterial under the waistband and use safety pins to pin the material In place.Then you can sew the fabric to the bottom garment making sure to sew all theway across the fabric. Sew from the inside so that the stitches do not show inthe front of the garment. It is easier to have the dancer remove the garmentsbefore you sew the material to the bottom Don’t forget to tie knots randomly asyou are sewing it to the waistband so if stitch comes out, the material isstill sewn securely to the bottom garment.
2.Fabric for sash
3.Thread to match sash
4.Measuring tape
6.Safety pins
7.Straight pins
2.Adding a Double Sash to Dance Costume
The second way is to add to the dance costume is use twostrips of fabric creating a double sash which is great if you want to cover upyour love handles and it creates a nice look in the front.fs
Create a Double Sash (.41 trunk video)
Basically, you will do this the same as instructed in thesingle sash with the same caveats as with the single. In other words, watch theplacement of the sashes so that there are no bulges, the gathers are in thefall in the proper location, that the straps are not too loose or too tight.One thing you need to consider when creating a double sash is that both sashesare the same length and when you sew them to the garments, they are the samewidth both at the waistband and the shoulders.
Once they are placed where you want them, you can stitch thetwo sashes together in the center leaving a large enough “V� at the neckline.However, you need to make sure the neckline is large enough to easily don thecostume and that the drape of the two sashes are symmetrical and have apleasing look. Leave both sashes pinned to the waistband and do not sew themdown at the bottom until the dancer has removed the costume.
9.Fabric for sashes
10.Thread tomatch sashes
14.Straight pins
3.Creating a Half Skirt For a DanceCostume
The next treatment is creating a half skirt to make a dancecostume. I have some simple strips of fabric to create a half skirt. This isgreat if you want a little flow to your costume when you are dancing but youwant to keep clean lines.
Creating the Half Skirt (.12 onskirt video)
This section explains how to makea half skirt by just using simple cut pieces of fabric. The strips could be theskirt itself or they could be added on top of a skirt for extra movement duringthe dance. The strips could be the same length as the skirt or shorts, a littleshorter or longer.
The first thing you aregoing to want to do is think about where you want to place the strips. Do youwant them on the right side of the costume or on the left. Think your lines,your legs, which side would be more flattering, which leg you kick with (.25)the most. Do you want the fabric flowing with your kicks or do you want it tobe the opposite? This technique can also be used for a full skirt by justplacing the strips all the way around the waistband rather than just on oneside. Additionally, when cutting the strips you need to think about the shape.Do you want triangular strips, straight strips or strips with wavy edges? Youcould also shred them up a bit by making little cuts into the sides of thestrips. The strips could also be in the shape of a leaf. If you use a leafshape or another shape where each strip needs to be the same, create a patternthat can be used to ensure they are the exact shape and size. You also need tothink about the width and length. The width is another thing that is yourpreference although if they are too wide, they won’t have as much movement. Usuallythe strips are the same length as the shorts or the skirt. But, that is yourchoice. They could be the same length, shorter or longer. It is better for thestrips to be longer because you can always to back and cut them short. (4.2) Allof those things need to be considered before you start cutting the strips.
The strips could be fabricor they could even be lace. They could also be the same material that thebottom piece is made of or they could be a contrast color if that is yourpreference. You could also mix them up and have strips in both materials. Again,lycra and lace are best because they do not shred. If you use a differentmaterial, check to make sure it does not fray or you will have to turn and sewthe fabric on all the edges. .
When pinning the strips at the waistband, either have thebottom piece on the dancer or put it on a pillow. Once you have the stripspinned, then you can sew them down. Don’t forget to knot the threadperiodically so that in case the thread breaks, the strips are still securelyattached.
15.Shorts orskirt
16.Fabricfor strips
17.Thread tomatch fabric and or dance piece
4.Adding Fabric to the Straps of a Dance Costume
The next technique is adding some fabric to the straps on acostume creating braids or you could do it in a twist. One reason you mightwant to do this is it will create a nice soft look up by the face.
Braiding or twisting material around the straps of a costumeis very simple. A couple of reasons for braiding or twisting fabric around thestraps of a costume is to create a unique look and because it creates a extrafabric and texture around the face giving the top a softer look.
You need to make sure the fabric you use is stretchy or youwill create a problem when the dancer goes to move in the costume. (.19) Youcan make the strips of the same material as the top, a different material orlace. Also, we often us two different types and colors of material at the sametime. You need to think about where you want to start. A lot of the time youput rhinestones on that starting point and it comes out really pretty. (.36)(.54) Using two strips of fabric, tuck the first strip inside the top under onthe neck side of the strap a couple of inches below the shoulder and place thesecond strip under the strap on the armhole side of the strap. At this point,roll each strip a little and then start braiding the strips around the strapuntil you get to the neckline on the back of the top. (1.26) Then pin the strips in the front and sew theends in the front of the top securely making sure that the stitches and ends ofthe strips are hidden. Then go to the back and either tie the strips in a knotaround the strap and let them hang loose. To finish it off, you should cut theends of the strips at an angle. The second choice would be to tuck the endsinside the top like it is in the front, sew the ends down and cut the ends off.Finally, to make sure the braiding does not move around, it is best to tack thebraiding down.
2.Fabric for braided material
3.Thread to match fabric
4.Measuring tape
6.Safety pins
7.Straight pins
5.Adding Fabric or Lace to Dance Tops (.01)
The fifth and last method to enhancea dance costume is to add lace appliqués to a dance top. We will be using asports bra in this example. You can use this technique on other tops and youcan be creative with the placement of the appliqué. It is really simple to do.One reason you might want to do this is it gives the costume a very expensivelook and it is very simple to do. Additionally, it draws the look up to your face.(.19)
The first thing you want to do is make surethe top is stretched out as you pin the lace on. Usually, the lace is notstretchable so if you do not stretch the top before applying the lace, theneckline will be stiff and you will not be able to get the top on and off.
Beforeapplying the lace, you need to find the center of the lace appliqué and thefront center of the top’s neckline. (.19) Place the center of the lace on topof the center of the top and pin it in place. (.42) Once you have pinned the“V� lace around the neckline in front, then use the lace trim to finish theneckline around the back. Tuck the ends of the “V� lace and the lace trimunderneath each other so it looks like one continuous piece. Then start pinningthe lace around the edge of the neck stretching the top’s neckline as you go. Ifyou use safety pins, you can put it on the girl and the top will be stretchedout properly before the appliqué is pinned and you get the lace properly spacedout. Tack the lace down along the neckline making a knot on the inside witheach stitch. This may seem like overkill to add all these knots but should thethread break, the lace will not come off. It is definitely worth the extrawork. Once you have gone along the edge of the neckline, don’t forget to tackdown the other edge of the lace, too.
2.“V� Lace appliqué
3.Matching lace trim*
4.Thread to match lace
5.Measuring tape
7.Safety pins
8.Straight pins
*If you can’t find “V� lace appliqué and lace trim, then justdo the best that you can. It is important, however, to have the width of thetrim and the width of the ends of the appliqué be the same so that when theymeet they will look one continuous piece.